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Mighty Nein Cosplay: Jester LaVorre

Here are all the details on my Jester LaVorre cosplays, both her canon outfit from the campaign and the modern alternate universe (AU) clothes that I designed.

The Little Sapphire

Jester LaVorre is a little blue Tiefling girl played by the amazing Laura Bailey. Her personality is adorable, and getting to dress up as her is a ton of fun. I don’t usually get into character (unless I’m trooping for the 501st or Rebel Legions) but with Jester, it just happens naturally! (What this means for my own personality I will leave up to your imagination.) But getting to be goofy, girly, and a naughty prankster are just too much fun. (If you leave me a notebook, I will draw something in it.)

Whether Jester is reading poorly written harlequin novels, eating donuts, or battling alongside her friends, she is always genuine and kind. I just love her!

I found a lovely Fjord at Colossalcon East 2019!

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Clothing –

While this will get you all the base pieces I used for my cosplay, it won’t be the only thing you will need. I did not use any other material for the chemise except what was already there. I simply hemmed it to the length I wanted and added the extra to the sleeves. That said, if you are much taller than me, you might want to find an alternative – there was not that much to use afterward. (I’m 5’2″.)

I did not have to do any alterations to the corset. It fit great! Just make sure to check your measurements and compare. Mine was a perfect fit.

Makeup –

Whether you’re doing traditional Jessie or modern, the makeup is the same! Though, if you wanted to do a more festival look, with added sequins or crystals, it definitely seems like something our unicorn, candy-loving tiefling would do! So have fun with it!

A bunch of Jesters at Colossalcon East

Materials –

Modern Jester


There is a lot that is going to be added to this post. Tons more photos, tutorials, video tutorials, and so much more. So bookmark it and check back! Even though it isn’t finished, I wanted to get a list started since I had so many questions!

First, I purchased a pair of white Levi’s shorts (I got mine at Walmart on a whim, but you can easily purchase them online at the link, too.) Research the type of material in yours, whether it is a synthetic heavy blend (aka comfy) or mostly cotton, as that will determine which sort of dye you use.

I used Rit liquid dye in Petal Pink. As is a regular habit of mine when treasure hunting for cosplays, I made a trip to Goodwill and found a big ol’ stock pot, perfect for stove top dying projects. (Most dying projects require to maintain heat for a prolonged period, meaning that dying in the tub won’t work.) I followed the directions on the dye, and but first got my shorts soaking wet. Wring them out a bit. Figure out where you’ll want your ombre to stop. Using straightpins where you want to stop dipping is really helpful!

I made one mark where I want the lightest pink to blend to white, and then another mark of pins where I wanted the darkest pink to blend into the light pink. Holding your garment from the lightest section, dip the base to be dyed into the readied dye bath up until your highest set of pins and pull it right back out. This lets the dye just touch that bit of fabric once so it stays nice and light!

Once it was washed well and dried, I moved on to making the flowers. You could draw this on with a fabric marker, like these markers by Sharpie. I decided to embroider them! I recently got into embroidery and found that it is a hobby that I loved. For the flowers, I used DMC 601 6-strand thread. However you decide to do it, you’ll want to add a disappearing ink fabric pen. With that, you can doodle on most fabrics to sketch out your idea BEFORE making it permanent. Then it stays on long enough for you to color it in with sharpie or to embroider it.

The disappearing ink (before it disappeared)

It was really a fun project! I think they are perfect for Jester, but it is also really fun to have a piece of custom clothing that I designed and crafted. If you like this design and make your own Jester-inspired shorts, I’d LOVE to see them!

This post will continue to be updated with information on how I did this cosplay, so be sure to bookmark it for future reference! In the meantime, if you have any specific questions, feel free to drop me a comment and I will answer you as soon as I can.

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No-Glue Pointed Elf Ears

There are a lot of reasons why you would pointed ears, and I don’t just mean dressing like an elf. What about hobbits, tieflings, vampires, orcs, gnomes, and so much more?! Maybe it’s just a fun way to spice up your DnD campaign. Of course, they also work for most elves, including the sort that bake cookies inside of a tree (seems like a safety violation but ok), assist Santa, or the fair folk of Rivendell.

Whenever I wear these ears, I get questions all the time about them. I thought it would be helpful to share with you how easy and cheap they are to use!

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Me cosplaying as Lavellan from Dragon Age

The first time I wore them, people were so curious. Many even asked if they could touch them! (That might seem weird to you non-cosplayer types, but being able to feel the texture of something is really important if you plan on wearing it for several hours.) They are soft, flexible, and very lightweight. After wearing them to Ren Faire for several hours, I was not at all sore or irritated in any way. (I do have sensitive skin.)

The ears I used to start with are the CHILD’s size Legend of Zelda ears!

These ears are made of vinyl. While these ears are a pale flesh tone, you can paint or use makeup to change them to your needs. I’m making a (rather famous) blue Tiefling. Once I have them painted, I will update this post with more information on that. But keep in mind that since they are vinyl, you will need to use acrylic based paints for it to adhere.

Because they are also made for children, unless you are quite petite, you will need to do a little bit of (easy) modifications to get them to fit over your adult-sized ears. (And NO, I do NOT recommend the adult size! They are quite large and look comically huge. Unless you want comically huge.)

That’s what they look like when they are all packaged up. Right out the package, they look this:

Packaged above and opened below.

The pair below are the ones that I have slightly modified to better fit me. “But,” you say, “I see no difference!” To that I say, continue on!

Top: unmodified new out of package
Bottom: modified

The top pair are the brand new ones I just got out of the box. If you look at the back, you can see a slight difference. On the modified pair, I used a small pair of curved beauty scissors to trim the vinyl to increase the height of the opening. Oddly, the width on the right ear of the new pair is quite wide, but that doesn’t matter as much as getting the height correct. Always cut less than you think you need! You can always trim a bit more, but adding to it would be a huge pain.

That little flap is important. It’s what helps the ears stay on better. If you don’t plan on having a small piece of hair in front of the ears, this might not be an option for you. But once the hair is in place . . .

Ta-dah! Super easy, lightweight, and COMFORTABLE! I can even wear my glasses with them without any discomfort. They do cover the ear almost entirely, so while they do not obstruct your hearing, little things like your hair, glasses or hands that bump into the vinyl ears will be much louder. (Something to keep in mind if you have a headdress with hanging bits and bobs.)

So there you have it! Easy elf ears without glue, around $10, and comfortable, too. You can’t get much better than that!

Here’s the link again to buy them->

Good luck!

"XOXO, Amber" in hand-styled script
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Star Wars Celebration: Cosplay Prep Guide

Star Wars​ Celebration Chicago is quickly approaching. It’s just one month away! To help you prep for the best week of your cosplay career, here are some helpful tips to help you along the way!

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1) Monitor your hydration

With only one month between now and the hustle and bustle that is #SWCC, you need to make sure you are getting your body prepared. Most of the time, cosplays require a lot more from your body. There is nothing quite so draining as hauling bins or bags full of heavy cosplay supplies and luggage, only to walk all day for many days, covered in paint or thick heavy clothes. You will SWEAT! Use an app like FitBit or Water Drink Reminder on Google Play to help keep you on track. And don’t forget to bring an empty water bottle. You can fill it up at the water fountains for free. And when bottled water is for sale upward of $4 a bottle, trust me, you’ll be able to save all that extra cash for great souvenirs! This water bottle below is less than the cost of four overpriced bottles of water, and you need to drink almost double that a day for healthy hydration when you’re sweating!

2) Continue a nightly routine – or start one

This is especially important if your costume requires makeup, body paint, glue, or a prosthetic. These take an extra toll on your skin, so make sure you are prepped. Be sure to use a quality moisturizer that is non-comedogenic so not to block your pores, and use a simple, gentle face wash every night. If your costume requires makeup or face paint, consider doing a facial scrub this week! To keep your skin in tip-top shape, watch what you eat for this next month and avoid any foods that are high in unhealthy fat, sugar, or cause inflammation.

3) Check your supplies and do pre-con maintenance

This is critical at this stage. Make sure that your makeup brushes are washed and dried before packing them. Do an inventory of your supplies. It’s almost never too late to get 2-day shipping on Amazon Prime or Wal-Mart if you find you’re missing an essential item. And if you really need something you’re missing, check with your lodging. Some hotels let you ship packages in your name during your stay! Check your costume and ensure that everything is in tip-top shape. Are the buttons secure? Is everything freshly laundered and prepped?

4) Stock up on supplies

Celebration is going to be a great time, and you can make it easier to enjoy yourself by keeping a few basics in your bag.

*Snacks/one-pack meals (I like The Complete Cookie and Lara Bars)
*Water bottle
*Painkiller of choice
*Makeup/cosplay emergency kit
*Portable chargers or cords for devices
*Poster tube
*Collapsible bag for additional purchases

Keeping at least these few essentials will be sure to keep you prepared for fun on the con floor.

And speaking of the con floor,

5) Familiarize yourself with the venue

Get a map and print it out or save it to your mobile device. Take note of where you need to be and when, and give yourself plenty of time to get through lines. Take stock of where the bathrooms are (you’ll need them if you’re properly hydrated!) and know where stairs or elevators are located.

6) Manage money matters

If you’re travelling, be sure to contact your financial institution and let them know! As a former banker, I can’t tell you how many times someone’s card had been used out of state and the automatic systems and securities in place prevented further use only for it to end up that the client had simply traveled without calling ahead.

You’ll also want to have at least $100 worth of cash on hand. Why? Because if with all of the precautions, sometimes technology just sucks. And you will be at CELEBRATION. This is the con of a LIFETIME. You don’t want to see that signed edition of the poster for sale and not be able to purchase because it of some technical glitch.

It is also a smart idea to set up payment apps available for your mobile device, like your phone. Between Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay, there is probably a way to set up a payment option right on your cell! To be honest, I haven’t been able to locate my wallet for about a week (oops), but I haven’t gone without buying necessities; I have my Paypal connected to my phone, and through the Samsung Pay app, it operates like a debit card, pin security included. The benefits to this payment apps is that you can store all of the relevant payments options in one place, such a credit card, a debit card, and Paypal, without having to worry about your wallet. Besides, most of us never leave the house without our phones!

Bring a credit card. In addition to your other money solutions, having a credit will help in many ways. If someone does manage to steal your credit card, they haven’t tapped into your liquid assets (like your bank account) and you can still be sure to pay the bills. Also, many credit card companies such a MasterCard, Visa, etc offer extra protections and insurance for you during travel, like roadside assistance if your rental breaks down, etc. Be sure to confirm with your credit card company if these perks apply to you.

And last, but not least . . .

7) Patience (and FUN!)

There are going to be thousands of people from all over the world and long, overnight queues. Take time now to rest and take it easy, and give yourself the option to be human. Your character may be a super hero, but your body has needs. Take time to pay attention to what those are and take stock of your body every hour that you are in costume. By taking care of yourself, you’ll set yourself up for a fun and safe Star Wars Celebration.

So what do you think? Are they any other tips you would add? Sound off in the comments below!

Have fun at Celebration!

"XOXO, Amber" in hand-styled script

P.S. I’ve got a downloadable checklist for you right here!

P.P.S. Watch below if you want details on how I do my Hera makeup. It’s a long, real time video with no edits. If you want to learn specific parts, there is a video directory in the pinned comment!