Happy Star Wars Day! Technically, I’m a day late as it’s actually Cinco de Mayo. Or, if you prefer, Revenge of the Fifth. At any rate, in spirit of the unofficial holiday that has become beloved by many the world over, I wanted to give you something to help you enjoy it DIY style: a free embroidery pattern!
This pattern is easy. It uses a few stitches and any can be substituted for something else you prefer. If you’re a stickler for sticking to a pattern, I’ve even included the DMC embroidery color numbers so you can replicate it. But if you want to get creative, I’ve got a bunch of my favorite color palettes on my pinterest board here to get you inspired for something with your own flavor! I tend to prefer complimentary colors or double split complimentary colors.
Pro tip: keep a small color wheel in your purse or save an image handily on your phone to help in picking out colors. I like this one! It’s a super big help when I’m in the aisle trying to pick out floss for a new project.
If that’s too complicated, just be sure to have my Color Palettes board pulled up for easy reference.

Perfect for beginners or long time stitchers.
Just starting out? No problem! Just take the embroidery floss as is, thread it through your needle, and start stitching. I recommend a booklet of basic stitches kept handy or a youtube video, just in case. Ready to tackle something more challenging? Substitute some bullion knots. Make your thread only three strands. Use a different font. Go all out! It’s YOUR piece so have fun with it!
In the example above, I’ve used the following stitches, all with 6-strand floss:
- Wagon wheel
- Modified wagon wheel
- Daisy chain
- French knot
- Herringbone
- Straight
- Chain
Fun ways to use it:
If embroidering on a hoop to hang as decor isn’t your thing, consider adding it to a handkerchief, a shirt pocket, or even swagging out your mask, like Carissa did below! (Thanks, Carissa! This idea is AMAZING!!!)

“Amber,” you say, rolling your eyes, “give me the pattern already!”
Okay, I hear you. I just had to get so many words in the post so Google would help crafty, geeky, wonderful people like you find it easier! I’m not going to go on like those recipe blogs we all love to whine about where they talk about how they source the flour for the roux from their grandmother’s ancestral town that also makes free-range llama milk.
To get your pattern, just CLICK HERE.
Did you miss it? I know, it was so easy, so simple, anyone could have, really. (I mean, if you’re all the way down here looking for the pattern, you already missed the link in the first paragraph, teehee!)
HERE! CLICK HERE! It’s totally free, no gimmicks. It’s $0.00. Free-fifty. Just add it to your cart and download!
So there you go! For you dark side peeps, don’t worry; I’ve got a free pattern coming your way. There are more patterns and freebies coming, so be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss it!